Sunday, October 31, 2010

None But Jesus

Well, one week from now, I'll be in Thailand for the assignment phase of TREK. Training has been incredible, and I apologize for not keeping this better updated. I plan to provide a few updates this week to summarize some of my experiences at training, as well as providing you all with some information about my wonderful team and the ministry we'll be a part of in Thailand.
For now, I want to talk about the song "None But Jesus" by Hillsong United (lyrics below). This song has meant a lot to me for a while, but has become more real to me in the last couple months. During the 48 hour silent retreat, I had the opportunity to soak in an extended period of stillness before God, where I found restoration, peace, and renewal in His presence. I have continued to experience all of these things while in God's presence since then as well. In the areas of my life that I am most weak, God has shown mercy and grace to me. Whether in matters of sin and temptation, or aspects of my life and faith that need growth, God's mercy and grace have become abundantly more clear to me.
I have known more than ever in the past two years the faithfulness of God. The more faithful, loving, gracious, merciful, healing, kind, and good the LORD reveals himself to be, the more I am certain that I want to do nothing more in my life is to bring Him praise!

In the quiet, in the stillness, I know that you are God.
In the secret of your presence, I know there I am restored.
When you call I won't refuse. Each new day again I'll choose:

There is no one else for me, none but Jesus.
Crucified to set me free, now I live to bring Him praise.

In the chaos, in confusion I know you're sovereign still.
In the moment of my weakness you give me grace to do your will.
So when you call, I won't delay. This my song through all my days:

There is no one else for me, none but Jesus.
Crucified to set me free, now I live to bring Him praise.
There is no one else for me, none but Jesus.
Crucified to set me free, now I live to bring Him praise.

I am yours and you are mine. I am yours and you are mine.
I am yours and you are mine. I am yours Lord.

All my delight is in you Lord.
All of my hope, all of my strength.
All my delight is in you Lord, forevermore.
All my delight is in you Lord.
All of my hope, all of my strength.
All my delight is in you Lord, forevermore.

There is no one else for me, none but Jesus.
Crucified to set me free, now I live to bring Him praise.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Brief Prayer Request

Well, it has certainly been an eventful week and a half. I have been given so much information to absorb! I will right more later, but for now I just wanted to send out a couple prayer requests. First, I have been having a couple health issues (nothing major), but it is distracting and slowing me down. Rest and healing would be wonderful, but be sure to pray as the Spirit leads. Also, tomorrow afternoon we begin our 48 hour silent retreat. Please pray that my ears are open to hearing God's voice, that my hands are empty of anything I may have been holding onto that would hinder my relationship and communication with God, and that my heart is humble in the presence of the Almighty, my rock and provider. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Chase

The door
The chase
The dream that I now face
Neither here
Nor there
But almost anywhere
It rains
It falls
The Kingdom always calls
A seed
A plant
A wild growing chant
A stretch
A reach
Grace enough for each

Redemption calls
Mercy falls
Awakened I run free
Tomorrow comes
I am not done
And back again I go

The dark
A pit
The emptiness screams quit
A cry
A voice
Another choice
Let go
Let Him save your soul
Give Him control in
Your words
Your heart
To set your soul apart
To walk
To run
And bask beneath the sun
Run true
Run fast
Know that it will last
The door
The chase
The dream that I now face

I wrote this poem reflecting my feelings about doing TREK. TREK itself has been a dream for me for several years; I see it partly as a stepping stone to my vocation of ministry and missions. At times I feel inadequate, worried, like I should quit now before I go. But every time I go there, God pulls me right back out. He is so good to me, even when I am at my worst, or when life has knocked me down. I pray that in all I do, I will bring His Name honor and glory.


I'm going on TREK! TREK is a 10 month mission and discipleship program with Mennonite Brethren Mission and Service International. They describe it as follows...

* TREK is our most intense short term mission opportunity, designed to help you learn, grow and serve. Our vision is for "Disciples who make disciples." You will partner with our international missionary teams as they engage in holistic church planting that transforms communities among the least reached. This opportunity is for mature Christians who want to go further in their relationship with God, and broader in their understanding of the global church. If you desire to be real with God, inspired in the company of hard-core believers, serve in overseas missions, and be stretched in exciting and lasting ways, TREK may be the direction for you.

* TREK is all about risk-taking obedience to Jesus, relinquishing our own rights, and learning to delight in him. We believe that mission is quite simply the outpouring of the great things God is doing in our own lives.
* We should warn you that it can be a painful process being refined by God. He pinpoints areas of our lives that we are still holding on to, and waits patiently for us to let go, but as we surrender, he faithfully does more excellent things through us than we ever could have planned for ourselves!

On September 12th, my journey begins! Please join me on this journey by reading my blog and holding me in your prayers!