Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I'm going on TREK! TREK is a 10 month mission and discipleship program with Mennonite Brethren Mission and Service International. They describe it as follows...

* TREK is our most intense short term mission opportunity, designed to help you learn, grow and serve. Our vision is for "Disciples who make disciples." You will partner with our international missionary teams as they engage in holistic church planting that transforms communities among the least reached. This opportunity is for mature Christians who want to go further in their relationship with God, and broader in their understanding of the global church. If you desire to be real with God, inspired in the company of hard-core believers, serve in overseas missions, and be stretched in exciting and lasting ways, TREK may be the direction for you.

* TREK is all about risk-taking obedience to Jesus, relinquishing our own rights, and learning to delight in him. We believe that mission is quite simply the outpouring of the great things God is doing in our own lives.
* We should warn you that it can be a painful process being refined by God. He pinpoints areas of our lives that we are still holding on to, and waits patiently for us to let go, but as we surrender, he faithfully does more excellent things through us than we ever could have planned for ourselves!

On September 12th, my journey begins! Please join me on this journey by reading my blog and holding me in your prayers!

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